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Welcome to Naia’s Carpentry ... Our Philosophy
While many contractors may cut corners in order to maximize profit in the short term, at Naia’s Carpentry we take a long-range view of business. We believe that success should be built by earning the trust and confidence of our customers, which in turn results in repeat business and referrals. Because of that philosophy:
- We are committed to earning customer loyalty by offering the highest level of customer service.
- We are available to answer your questions, as we like to say, “25 hours a day.” Whenever you need to talk, call (313) 312-2187. We’ll answer your call, or if we’re helping another customer, we’ll return your call right away.
If you prefer, you can e-mail me at Naia
- We make personal customer relations the highest priority in all of our business dealings. As a result, you can expect every word and gesture from us to be with courtesy and respect—a core value that we adhere to without exception. Our motto is ”people before profit.”
- Although we’ll never compromise on materials or rush work just to be the lowest bidder on a job, our customers often are pleasantly surprised at our quotes, considering the level of service we provide and the quality of our work.
At the end of the day, we make old look new, new look better and better look best!